I am using datatable as in 3 tabs as a 3 tables.When moving around tabs columns headers chage random

I am using datatable as in 3 tabs as a 3 tables.When moving around tabs columns headers chage random

OmniwyseOmniwyse Posts: 29Questions: 11Answers: 0

In a single page I have 3 tabs with 3 tables.
I have perform the column reorder and column hide and show around the 3 tabs of tables.
When I click on any of the tabs, then only column header are places changes but data is correct.
Why is that happens.

Example :

Again column headers names changes when I go to holiday tab and come back to zones tab.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,124Questions: 1Answers: 10,397 Site admin

    You are using ColReorder? If so, does this happen if you disable that option?

    I think I'd need to see a test case showing the issue to be able to help here.


  • OmniwyseOmniwyse Posts: 29Questions: 11Answers: 0

    This is my code.

    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    ajax: {
    url: extract_url('/rest/updateType'),
    data: function ( d ) {
    d._csrf = CSRF_TOKEN,
    d.typeName = 'Zones',
    key = Object.keys(d.data)[0];
    d.zoneId = d.data[key].zoneId,
    d.name = d.data[key].name ,
    d.description = d.data[key].description,
    d.status = d.data[key].status
    success: function (response) {
    if (response.status === 'success') {
    if(response.value != null && response.value.action === 'create'){
    newRecordCreated = true;

                    crudOperationPerformed = true;
             }else if (response.status === 'error') {
                    '<div class="alert alert-warning"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button><ul></ul></div>');
                    for (var e in response.value) {
                      $('#zonesDuplicationErrors ul').append('<li>'+ response.value[e] +'</li>');

    table: "#zones-search-results",
    idSrc: 'zoneId',
    dataType: 'json',
    fields: [ {
    label: "ID :",
    name: "zoneId",
    data :"zoneId"

            }, {
                label: "Name :",
                name: "name",
                data :"name",
            }, {
                label: "Description :",
                name: "description",
                data :"description"
                label: "Status :",
                name: "status",
                data : status,
                type: "select",
    } );
    editor.on( 'preSubmit', function ( e, o, action ) {
        if ( action !== 'remove' ) {
            var zoneName = this.field( 'name' );
            if ( ! zoneName.isMultiValue() ) {
                if ( ! zoneName.val() ) {
                    zoneName.error( 'Zone name must be given' );
                if ( zoneName.val().length >= 50 ) {
                    zoneName.error( 'The zone name length must be less that 50 characters' );
            if ( this.inError() ) {
                return false;
    } );

    editor.dependent( 'status', function (val, data, callback) {
    var test = new Array();
    for(var a=0;a < statusList.length;a++){
    obj= { "label" : statusList[a], "value" : statusList[a]};
    var search= $('#zoneSearch').val();
    var status= $('#zonesStatus-filter').val();
    var loggedInUser= $('#loggedInUser').val();
    var zonesTable = $('#zones-search-results').DataTable( {
    dom: 'lBfrtip',
    stateSave: true,
    initComplete: function() {
    "stateSaveCallback": function (settings, data) {

            for (const column in data.columns) { 
                 delete data.columns[column].search;

    var tableListJSON = {};
    var tableListJSON = JSON.stringify(data);

    delete data.time;
    var tableListWithoutTimeJSON = JSON.stringify(data);

    if(zonesJSON != tableListWithoutTimeJSON){
    zonesJSON = tableListWithoutTimeJSON;
    $.ajax( {
    "url": extract_url('/rest/state_save'),
    data: {

            tableList : tableListJSON,
            tableName : 'ZonesTable',
            loggedInUser : loggedInUser,
                "_csrf": CSRF_TOKEN
      "dataType": "json",
      "type": "POST",
      "success": function () {}
    } );

    stateLoadCallback: function (settings,callback) {
    $.ajax( {
    async: false,
    url: extract_url('/rest/load_state'),
    data: {
    loggedInUser : loggedInUser,
    tableName : 'ZonesTable',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (json) {
    if(json.status === 'success'){
    } );
    stateSaveParams: function (settings, data) {
    delete data.search;
    "responsive": true,
    "colReorder": true,
    select: true,
    "buttons": [
    extend: 'collection',
    text: 'Export',
    buttons: [
    extend: 'csvHtml5', text: 'Export To CSV', filename:'Customer CSV Data',action: newexportaction,
    exportOptions: {
    columns: ':visible'
    extend: 'pdfHtml5', text: 'Export To PDF', filename:'Customer PDF Data',action: newexportaction,
    exportOptions: {
    columns: ':visible'
    { extend: 'create', editor: editor },
    { extend: 'edit', editor: editor },
    { extend: 'remove', editor: editor },
    {extend:'colvis',text: 'Show/Hide Column',activate: 'mouseover'}

        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "searching": false,
        "length": 10,
        "ajax": {
    "url": extract_url('/rest/zones'),
    data: function ( d ) {
        var sortingColumn=d.order[0].column;
        var newRecord = '';
        if(crudOperationPerformed == true){
            sortingColumn = '';
        if(newRecordCreated == true){
            newRecord = 'create';
        var sortingOrder=d.order[0].dir;
        d.newRecord = newRecord,
        delete d.columns;
        crudOperationPerformed = false;
        newRecordCreated = false;

    columns: [
    {data: "zoneId",
    {data: "name",
    {data: "description",
    {data: "status",

    columnDefs: [{
    orderable: false,
    targets: [0,1,2,3]


    } );
    $('#zones-search-results tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
    if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) {
    } else {
    $('#resetZonePreference').click( function (e) {
    } );

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,130Questions: 26Answers: 4,916

    You didn't answer Allan's question:

    You are using ColReorder? If so, does this happen if you disable that option?

    Please provide a test case showing the issues so we can help debug.


  • OmniwyseOmniwyse Posts: 29Questions: 11Answers: 0

    Yes I am using ColReorder . I have disabled the ColReorder and still seeing this issue.
    After disabled I just perform column hide and show.
    Again its giving same problem.

    I can't provide the test case.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,130Questions: 26Answers: 4,916

    This is the same issue as this thread. Discussion is continued in the thread.


This discussion has been closed.