datatables.responsive header cells issue
datatables.responsive header cells issue

I have now implemented datatables responsive. It works but the th-cells (header cells) are not removed (no style="display:none;") and the values are not appended into the <span class="dtr-title"></span>
The ordinary cells are working fine.
I have the "responsive" and "nowrap" class added to my datatable. How can that be?
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Sounds like a styling issue. Are you using a styling Framework? If so did you install the proper Responsive styling integration files?
Maybe you can post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue. This will allow us to help you debug the issue.
It's definately not a styling issue since it is dynamic values not being inserted
or appended<span class="dtr-title"></span>
. Styling cannot append values on resize. I only use the basic datatables styling along with the responsive stylingThis example seems to work:
I may be missing something but it seems like the problem is something specific to your environment.
Have you tried using the init option instead of the class?
I found the bug. If the "columns" options is present in the datatable the header cells are not being handled responsive.
Like this example?
It seems to work.
Yes like that example. But in my case i do some HTML manipulation like:
"columns":[{targets: 0, data: function ( row ) {
return '<span>'+ row[0] +'</span>'
(This is a simplified example but still breaks the responsive function)
Maybe you can put an example together for us to take a look at and help debug.
I made an example here:
It does not behave excactly the same way. But when i add the columns option with HTML manipulation responsive stops working.
Note: The HTML in the columns option is not added, don't know why and that is not the problem here.
Your example is getting this error which not only affects responsive but other Datatables features.:
When using columns it is expected that you provide config for all the columns. Thus the above error. It looks like you meant to use
along withcolumnDefs.targets
.However it doesn't seem that
return '<span>'+ row[0] +'</span>'
will work, when usingtargets: 0
, in the case of a DOM sourced table.return '<span>'+ row[1] +'</span>'
does work. Instead of
as a function you probably will want to usecolumns.render
.Here is the updated working example:
Yes, that's a nice working example. somehow my solution keeps ignoring the responsive extension if I have any kind of columns defined. I leave it for now and do my own responsive handling with css-only.
Thank you so much for your time
Did you check for errors in your browser's console?
Did you make the changes I recommended?
Hey, got a fix for this yet?
I'm getting display:none added to all the columns aswell as soon as the width (or height) changes of the page..
@rsnelders - Can you link to your page showing the issue please?
I'm not sure that is the same issue as was originally reported in this thread. Also Kevin's example resolved the issue discussed here. it might be worth opening a new thread with a link to a test case showing the issue you are seeing please.
I got a few hardcoded columns and some are dynamic.
Not all columns use a render function.
Please don't ask duplicate questions. Please see my response to this same question in your thread: