Select2 and Inline Editing issues
Select2 and Inline Editing issues
Hi all,
I'm having issues with Select2 and Inline Editing working together.
I'm fetching the options for a field A from a field B with comma separated strings. When I click on "Edit" to edit the row, I can see the populated values from B in A, I can select on of these and even enter a new value.
Now with inline editing:
1. When I click directly on field A in DataTables, a drop down menu appears but not filled with the values from the same row but from another one, i.e. clicking a field does not activate the row. I have to do a mouse click on the first field (id) in order to activate the row I want to edit.
2. When I choose one of the values in the drop down menu and press Enter or leave the cell, nothing happens. It remains the same value as it was before.
3. When I enter a new value, the same.
I have already found similar questions:
It these a canReturnSubmit function as well as an incompatibility between KeyTable and FixedColumns are being mentioned but I still can't figure out what is the solution.
This is my code:
editor.on('initCreate initEdit', function (e, node, data, items, type) {
var rowData = table.row({selected: true}).data();
if (rowData) {
var rowDataB = rowData["obj"]["B"]
if (rowDataB) {
var rowDataArrB = rowDataB.split(",");
label: "A:",
name: "obj.A",
type: "select2",
//separator: ',',
opts: {
//multiple: true,
allowClear: true,
placeholder: "Select",
tags: true
Any ideas?
My guess is that the issue is with this line:
Specifically when you use inline editing you typically don't have the row selected (I think those also relates to your comment about having to click the first column, which I guess you have setup as a checkbox for select?). Instead you need to get the row data a slightly different way.
parameter passed in is thetd
that was clicked on, so you could do:Allan
@allan : Thanks for the response!
Hmmm. No, I had only the id from the DB. I've added the checkbox column now.
If I select now the row with the checkbox and change to this:
rowData outputs "undefined".
If I do the same with:
then it outputs the rowData correctly (like when I open the Editor Form).
If I change to this:
then I get the rowData correctly for whatever cell I click on.
In all cases inline editing works fine for the other cells but the problem with the Select2 cells still remains.
I think I'm going to need a link to your page so I can see the details of what is happening, what software is installed and how it is configured please?
It's not online. I could try to put it online, but I think it'll take some days (I've never done it before... ).
I'm not entirely sure what you mean.
I've copied a light version of my view.ejs and the js I'm using in vendor.js into a JS Bin I've created here (of course it doesn't work but there was not enough space here):
Is this enough?
I was meaning in terms of what DataTables extensions are loaded, what versions and how they are configured (likewise DataTables and Editor).
What you posted is useful - thank you. But I'm not seeing the problem from that I'm afraid. I'd need to be able to see the running page I think.
The extensions I'm using are commented out in JS Bin. Here again:
Then I'll try to put it online, probably in 1-2 weeks from now. In any case I'll let you know when it's ready. Thanks.