I installed it locally using the download builder, but it doesn't work.

I installed it locally using the download builder, but it doesn't work.

JUN_451JUN_451 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0


I applied the DatatablePlugin to the newly developed page. It has been successfully applied using the CDN link and performs the function I want in chrome and iexporer

I finally wanted to install the package locally, so I used a DownloadBuilder. and I configured it the same as the package I succeeded.

After confirming that the CDN is configured identically, I downloaded the package.

After that, I installed the package on the server and used it and I tested it and it works in Chrome but not in explorer.

Using explorer debug, I checked the problem in the following location.

var table = $('#excel_table').DataTable();

SCRIPT438 : Object doesn't support property

I don't know what I missed, Please give me advice.(Please understand i don't know how to attach the source neatly.)

Thank you.


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