Error: Undefined index for 'draw', 'start' - parameters in PHP

Error: Undefined index for 'draw', 'start' - parameters in PHP

atibuatibu Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2020 in Free community support


i'm struggling for a very long time now with this problem and googling the sh*t out of myself in order to solve it.

I'm trying to get a connection to a mySQL - database which should load the data into the datatable and show it. When i'm running the program i get the message "Undefined index: draw in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/kpibib/ajaxfile.php on line 8. I read a lot of times that you should change the "type" parameter in the JS - code to "POST". This is what i've did but when i'm checking on "Network" in Chrome i see that the Request type is still on "GET". So this isn`t working for me. How can i solve this issue?

This is my code:

The JS - Code:

        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "ajax": {
          "type": "POST",
          "url": 'ajaxfile.php'
          { "data": 'KPINUMBER'},
          { "data": 'KPINAME'},
          { "data": 'REPAREA'},
          { "data": 'KPITYPE'},
          { "data": 'REPUNIT'},
          { "data": 'RESPDEP'},
          { "data": 'BASEORCALC'},
          { "data": 'FORMULA'},
          { "data": 'DESCR'},
          { "data": 'CONTACTPER'}

and this is my server-side script written in PHP:

<?php php ?> include 'connect.php'; ##Read values $draw = $_POST["draw"]; $row = $_POST["start"]; $rowperpage = $_POST["length"]; $columnIndex = $_POST["order"][0]["column"]; $columnName = $_POST["columns"][0]["data"]; $columnSortOrder = $_POST["order"][0]["asc"]; $searchValue = $_POST["search"]["value"]; $searchArray = array(); ##search $searchQuery = " "; if ($searchValue != ''){ $searchQuery = "AND (KPINUMBER LIKE :KPINUMBER OR KPINAME LIKE :KPINAME OR REPAREA LIKE :REPAREA OR KPITYPE LIKE :KPITYPE OR REPUNIT LIKE :REPUNIT OR RESPDEP LIKE :RESPDEP OR BASEORCALC LIKE :BASEORCALC OR FORMULA LIKE :FORMULA OR DESCR LIKE :DESCR OR CONTACTPER LIKE :CONTACTPER) "; $searchArray = array('KPINUMBER'=>"%searchValue%", 'KPINAME'=>"%searchValue%", 'REPAREA'=>"%searchValue%", 'KPITYPE'=>"%searchValue%", 'REPUNIT'=>"%searchValue%", 'RESPDEP'=>"%searchValue%", 'BASEORCALC'=>"%searchValue%", 'FORMULA'=>"%searchValue%", 'DESCR'=>"%searchValue%", 'CONTACTPER'=>"%searchValue%" ); } ##Total number of records without filtering $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS allcount FROM kpidata"); $stmt->execute(); $records = $stmt->fetch(); $totalRecords = $records['allcount']; ##Total number of records with filtering $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS allcount FROM kpidata WHERE 1 ".$searchQuery); $stmt->execute($searchArray); $records = $stmt->fetch(); $totalRecordswithFilter = $records['allcount']; ##Fetch records $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM kpidata"); /*WHERE 1".$searchQuery." ORDER BY ".$columnName." ".$columnSortOrder." LIMIT :limit,:offset");*/ ##bind VALUES foreach($searchArray as $key=>$search){ $stmt->bindValue(':'.$key, $search,PDO::PARAM_STR); } $stmt->bindValue(':limit', (int)$row, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':offset', (int)$rowperpage, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $kpirecords = $stmt->fetchAll(); $data = array(); foreach ($kpirecords as $row) { $data[] = array( "KPINUMBER"=>$row['KPINUMBER'], "KPINAME"=>$row['KPINAME'], "REPAREA"=>$row['REPAREA'], "KPITYPE"=>$row['KPITYPE'], "REPUNIT"=>$row['REPUNIT'], "RESPDEP"=>$row['RESPDEP'], "BASEORCALC"=>$row['BASEORCALC'], "FORMULA"=>$row['FORMULA'], "DESCR"=>$row['DESCR'], "CONTACTPER"=>$row['CONTACTPER'] ); } ##Response $response = array( "draw" => intval($draw), "recordsTotal" => $totalRecords, "recordsFiltered" => $totalRecordswithFilter, "aaData" => $data ); echo json_encode($response);


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