Auto-select based on URL parameter
Auto-select based on URL parameter

This is probably very easy, but I can't find the right info to make this work.
I want to select a certain row of my datatable based on the value of a URL GET parameter given to the page as it returns from a flask call. I am using a button to add and delete records from the table
getting the unique search parameter is easy:
var <parameter> = url.searchParams.get("<parameter>")
But how do I use this value to find the row with a specific = <parameter> ,and then "select" it?
There are examples here on the forums -
, but this appears more complicated than I need, and the example doesn't highlight the selected row as a mouse click would.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
"ajax": {
url: "/ajax/objects.txt",
dataSrc: function (data) {
"columns": [
{ "data": "id" },
{ "data": "salary" }
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
table.column( 'data:id' ).data().sort().unique().each( function ( value ) {
selectField.append( $('<option value="'+value+'">'+<intURLparameter>+'</option>') );
} );
Kind regards,
See if the page.jumpToData() or the row().show() plugins do what you want.
The jumptoData looks right but it doesn't add class 'selected' to the row it jumps to, is best practice to add the same logic as the default 'onclick' function? ...
as follows:
You can use
with arow-selector
as a function to get the row or rows that match the parameter data then chain theselect()
API to select the returned rows.Kevin
Are any working examples here on the forum? I noticed had the same question without luck.
The row() command will select() as I need, but after a jumpToData() I will be on the right page but have no way to know which row #, "eq(0)", contains my URL-passed column(0) integer.
My id could be 857 for example, but how do I select that row on the current page that jumpToData has jumped to?
It feels like I also need a simple "table.query_page(<intURLvalue>, 0), select();" or similar, function ....
Here is an old example I have. It uses row().show() to jump to the page and it uses the
as a function to select the row:
If you prefer the other plugin you can still use the
as a function for the row selection.Kevin