Pagination on server side calls doesn't seem to be working correctly.

Pagination on server side calls doesn't seem to be working correctly.

athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

I have built the backend processing for this in Coldfusion. When I run the call with endrow or maxrows set on the data build, the total rows and filtered rows seems to be ignored as the page only displays the default number of rows and doesn't allow paging, even though the total rows on the returned json shows several thousand records.

If I remove the maxrows and endrow attributes from the loop, the pagination looks correct but it also looks like the entire data set is being loaded at once instead of really doing server side processing.


$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
                    data :,
                    columns : json.columns

ColdFusion code within a cfc function:

<cfquery datasource="datasource" name="result">
        from db

    <!--- Total data set length --->
    <cfquery datasource="datasource" name="qCount">
        SELECT COUNT(id) as total
        FROM   db

    <cfif result.recordcount gt 0>
        <cfset recordsTotal =>
        <cfset recordsTotal = 0>
    <cfsavecontent variable="JsonObject">
        {"draw": <cfoutput>#val(arguments.draw)#</cfoutput>,
        "recordsTotal": <cfoutput>#recordsTotal#</cfoutput>,
        "recordsFiltered": <cfoutput>#result.recordCount#</cfoutput>,
        "columns": [
                "title" : "ID",
                "data" : "id"
                "title" : "Name",
                "data" : "name"
                "title" : "User ID",
                "data" : "user_id"
        "data": [
        <cfif result.recordcount gt 0>
            <cfoutput query="result" startrow="#val(arguments.start+1)#" endrow="#val(arguments.length)#">
                <cfif result.currentRow gt (arguments.start+1)>,</cfif>
                    "id": #SerializeJSON(result.currentRow)#,
                    "name": #SerializeJSON(,
                    "user_id": #SerializeJSON(result.user_id)#

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer



  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    For server side processing to work you need to use the Datatables ajax option. Like these examples. The data option simply reads the data supplied. It has no concept of server side processing. Additionally for server side processing to work you need the serverSide option enabled and a server script that follows the server side processing protocol to handle the paging, sorting and searching operations.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Is it still possible to build the columns server side or do I have to have all the columns in the html table?

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    The columns.title will build the thead. You will need to have the columns defined before initializing Datatables, like you have in your first code snippet.

    This is a client side with ajax loaded data example:

    This is the same example using server side processing:


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Thank you.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Is this the format I should be using for the returned json?

    I get an error:

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

    On this line:

    columnNames = Object.keys([0]);

    column header json

    {"columns": [
                        "title" : "ID"
                        "title" : "Name"
                        "title" : "User ID"
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

    Maybe Object.keys([0]) is not appropriate for the JSON data being returned. The example I provided derives the column names from the first object in the array. You certainly don't have to do the same. You will need to extract the column information to build the columns configuration options that Datatables supports.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Is it possible to include the desired column names, instead of just using the db field values, in the data information? I thought I had seen that somewhere in the documentation but I cannot find it now.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019
    Answer ✓

    Sure. Your server script can respond with the column information. Since its an ajax request outside of Datatables you can do what you want. The JS Bin environment is limited on ajax resource, so the example just uses the data it can fetch :smile:


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Thank you for the help. It is working.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Okay, the page is loading and paging correctly but the sorting variables don't seem to be getting sent back to the server when a column header is clicked.

    Here's my revised calling code:

    var url = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=0&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();
                var columnUrl = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=1&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();
                var columns = [];
                    url: columnUrl,
                    success: function (data) {
                        data = JSON.parse(data);
                        columnNames = Object.keys([0]);
                        for (var i in columnNames) {
                          columns.push({data: columnNames[i], 
                                    title: columnNames[i]});
                            "columns" : columns,
                            "processing": true,
                            "serverSide": true,
                            "search": {
                                return: true
                            "ajax": url

    This is the data getting sent back to the server during the ajax call. It doesn't change no matter which column I click on the front end.

    "columns[2][data]":"User ID",
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    The order is indicated with this:


    See the Server Side Processing docs for details. The server script needs to look for these parameters to build the query to include column ordering.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Right, but the data that is sent to the server when a column header is clicked never changes from null to something that the server can process.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    column header is clicked never changes from null to something that the server can process.

    Not sure what null value is being sent to the server. Looking at this example. When the table first initializes it sends the default ordering of column 0 ASC and the draw parameter is 1:

    draw: 1
    order[0][column]: 0
    order[0][dir]: asc

    I Sort another column, the draw parameter increments and it sends the new column sorting:

    draw: 2
    order[0][column]: 2
    order[0][dir]: asc

    Is this not happening for you?


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    I see some parameters like "datamismatch":0, which aren't sent by Datatables. Do you know where they are coming from?

    I noticed the "order":null,. AFAIK this is not something Datatables sends, even if there is no ordering to the table. I suspect these parameters are coming from one of these statements:

    var url = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=0&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();
                var columnUrl = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=1&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();

    Maybe verify what systemVars are.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    I'll check. Thanks.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    System vars is a cache clearing value for IE.

    The data that is getting sent by dataTables to the server is strings of key-value pairs. I thought it was supposed to be structured in arrays. Is this correct? (Not all data included here.)

    active  1   number  1
    datamismatch    2   number  0
    disabled    3   number  0
    draw    4   string  1
    header  5   string  0
    inactive    6   number  0
    length  7   string  10
    nolls   8   number  0
    sc  9   string  
    start   10  string  0
    columns[2][search][regex]   11  string  false
    columns[0][orderable]   12  string  true
    columns[2][search][value]   13  string  
    search[regex]   14  string  false
    columns[4][name]    15  string  
    search[value]   16  string  
    columns[9][orderable]   17  string  true
    columns[2][name]    18  string  
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    The Server Side Processing doc describes the parameters sent and the expected parameters in the response. The parameters your are showing have more than what Datatables sends like datamismatch. Other than the extra parameters it looks correct. You can use the browser's network inspector tool with any of these Server Side Processing examples to see what is sent and the format.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    But the data does not seem to be coming to the server as arrays like the docs say. Each variable is a separate string. On the server side I have tested the order and columns variables to see if they are arrays and they are being listed as individual strings for each row.

    From the docs:

    The order[i] and columns[i] parameters that are sent to the server are arrays of information:

    order[i] - is an array defining how many columns are being ordered upon - i.e. if the array length is 1, then a single column sort is being performed, otherwise a multi-column sort is being performed.
    columns[i] - an array defining all columns in the table.
    In both cases, i is an integer which will change to indicate the array value. In most modern server-side scripting environments this data will automatically be available to you as an array.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    If I try to check if order is an array (isArray(arguments.order)), I get an error that "order" is not a key in the variables. I have to run a check on the entire order[][column] to be told that it is not an array.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    jQuery ajax() will serialize the parameters. What you are seeing is how the arrays are serialized. Sounds like you are wanting to receive JSON data instead. See the last example in the for how to send JSON data instead of the default you are seeing.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited March 2022


  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    Look at the example again. You're not using it correctly.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Right. I edited my comment when I noticed the problem but not quickly enough.

    error: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'aDataSort')

    var url = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=0&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();
    var columnUrl = $this.attr('dataLoadURL')+ '&' + 'header=1&' + systemVars + '&s='+$.now();
                var columns = [];
                    url: columnUrl,
                    method: 'post',
                    success: function (data) {
                        data = JSON.parse(data);
                        columnNames = Object.keys([0]);
                        for (var i in columnNames) {
                          columns.push({data: columnNames[i], 
                                    title: columnNames[i]});
                            "ajax": {
                                "url": url,
                                "columns" : columns,
                                "processing": true,
                                "serverSide": true,
                                "search": {
                                    return: true
                                "contentType": "application/json",
                                "type": "POST",
                                "data": function ( d ) {
                                  return JSON.stringify( d );
                                "retrieve": true
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019
    edited March 2022

    Lines 17-22 and 28 are inside your ajax option. They should be at the same level as your ajax option. for example:

                            "columns" : columns,
                            "processing": true,
                            "ajax": {
                                "url": url,


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Fixed that and don't get errors but the table hangs on processing after the initial load when I try to page or sort. I did check the data being sent back to the jquery and it is the same as before which was working for paging.

                            "columns" : columns,
                            "processing": true,
                            "retrieve": true,
                            "serverSide": true,
                            "search": {
                                return: true
                            "ajax": {
                                "url": url,
                                "contentType": "application/json",
                                "type": "POST",
                                "data": function ( d ) {
                                  return JSON.stringify( d );
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,685Questions: 26Answers: 5,019

    Sounds like the draw parameter doesn't match the value sent from the client.


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Draw is set to 1 in the data being sent back from the server. I also confirmed that the data being sent back is properly formatted json.

  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    As an added oddity, the data being sent by jquery to the server no longer includes all of the column and order data like it did before.

    All of this and the other similar values are missing now from what the server gets.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Can you link to your page so we can take a look, it would help understand the data being returned,


  • athanasiusathanasius Posts: 33Questions: 3Answers: 0

    I wish I could but the system is on an intranet. Is there anything else I can do to provide more information? I would run this in the test environment but it's a ColdFusion application, not PHP.

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