multiple colspans with ajax jquery datasource
multiple colspans with ajax jquery datasource

<th colspan="2"></th>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<th colspan="3"></th>
// "processing": true, // for show progress bar
// "serverSide": false, // for process server side
// "filter": true, // this is for disable filter (search box)
// "orderMulti": false, // for disable multiple column at once
// "Paging": true,
// "PageLength": 20,
// "pagingType": "full_numbers",
// "bDestroy": true,
// c
// { title: 'Cases' },
// { title: 'Total Down Time' },
// { title: 'TopDown Time Reason' },
// ],
// columns: [
// {
// data: 'xxxx',
// render: function (data) {
// return ;
// }
// },
// { data: 'xxxx' },
// { data: 'xxxxxx' },
// ],
// ajax: {
// url: dueDateUrl,
// dataSrc: ''
// }
// });
how to get data in these columns i still get a single object values or do you think for each row would be better instead of doing this?
First you will want to look at this Complex header example. Its unclear by your code snippet if you are trying to use complext headers but the key take away is this:
Are you saying you have nested objects? If so see this example.
If you still need help please provide a simple test case with an example of your data so we can understand exactly what you have to offer suggestions.
kthorngren thanks for replying i tried to copy the jsfiddle link that didnt happen let me copy the example
function GetdataTable() {
var dueDateUrl = "";
"processing": true, // for show progress bar
"serverSide": false, // for process server side
"filter": true, // this is for disable filter (search box)
"orderMulti": false, // for disable multiple column at once
"Paging": true,
"PageLength": 20,
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"bDestroy": true,
columns: [
the down part is script what would be the return value is this the way to add column value i know how to do it if there is an array in the object or if there is a object with inner objects too.
I'm not sure what the question or problem is or if you still have one. But if you do we need to see an example of your data with a description of the problem. Use the browser's network inspector to get a few rows of the JSON response. Then build a test case using Javascript data, like this example.
I want data to be displayed on the above way with ajax jquery datasource
As mentioned before Datatables requires one
for each column. So you will need to adjust the header to support this. You can have one header row with three of theth
with the header titles and the rest empty or you can create two header rows with the second having oneth
for each column and empty titles, similar to the complex header example I linked to earlier. Use CSS to style the header to look the way you wish.The data source(Ajax, Javascript, HTML) doesn't matter.
ok so how to insert data in it with ajax datasource? is it data.propertyname ? but single column has multiple datavalues how to mention that ? In the example i just wrote return value1,value2 ? is that the way ?
Start by reading the Ajax docs. Sounds like your data is object based which means you will use
to define the columns. Take a look at the Ajax examples.Depends on how you want to display the data. Maybe the nested objects example is what you want. Or maybe use
to display the data.In order to give more specific answers please provide a simple test case with an example of your data. Also provide details of how you want the data displayed.