Data is not searching while typing in serverside datatable

Data is not searching while typing in serverside datatable


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,779Questions: 26Answers: 5,038
    edited October 2024

    I'm not quite sure what you are doing with the columns object you are sending via However I don't see anything obvious in the code to suggest why the input values all appear empty. What does the this console.log show?

    console.log(`Column ${index}: ${columnName}, Hasil pencarian: ${this.value}`);

    How are you trying to use this?

    You can look at the Payload tab of the network inspector to see what is received by the server. Is it the same?

    Is the real problem that your column searches aren't applied? It doesn't look like you are processing the column search parameters sent via server side processing to apply to the query. See the [server side processing protocol docs]( to apply to the query) for details of how the column search values are sent.

    I'm not sure what your server side language is but possibly you can use a Datatables supplied server side processing script to support column searches. See the Using editor libraries for SSP blog for details.


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