How are you using DataTables? - Page 14

How are you using DataTables?



  • andrew45andrew45 Posts: 24Questions: 8Answers: 0

    After months of work and pestering pundits here with questions (thanks to all of them) I finally launched my website about well-known Poles in Polish language:

    I used Datatables for:
    1) the main page to show all Poles. There many options for sorting and filtering Poles according to their sex, status (alive or dead), category, years of birthday and so on. If a user specifies their date of birthday, it's added to the table and the user can easily find similar Poles.
    2) the page with quizzes. After taking a quiz a user gets all their results in one table and can sort it.

    All calculations on the website are performed in a user's browser. Only static files are served - no executive files on the server.

  • REJISREJIS Posts: 18Questions: 4Answers: 0

    Usually Search Results in a grid, or what the Mainframe people here call Indexes. Some Reports we put in a grid too.

    My most recent Frankenstein Monster is using it in the search page itself in an area where they need to enter multiple numbers and criteria for each number. Each time they hit Enter or Add Row it adds the HTML for each input to the columns for the row that also has a Delete button on the end to delete the row. I turn off sorting/paging so the library doesn't change the rows on me. Seems to work pretty slick...sort of like the inline editor (It focuses mostly on AJAX though when I just need form inputs or saving to the local table data when inline editing). Each column of inputs have the same name, so my code that reads form data puts them all in arrays.

  • decordedecorde Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited January 15

    I couldn't figure out how to embed a DataTable within the details row for a DataTable M-Join. Instead, I create my own non-sortable table and use the standalone Editor. I use the standalone Editor for everything because it's the only method I know that allows editing multiple different tables within a single joined view (whether through DataTables JOIN, MJOIN, or custom joins). you can check the i wood decor To simplify things, I created custom Editor wrapper functions. For instance, I just call EditorWrapRooms(render, ['Room Name', 'Room Number']), and it automatically sets up the hidden data divs and triggers the bubble editor on click.

  • carputechcarputech Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

    It allows users to manage and display large datasets efficiently with a responsive and user-friendly interface codice fiscale online. By integrating DataTables with AJAX, dynamic data loading becomes seamless, making it a popular choice for real-time applications.

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